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Everything posted by greenturtle

  1. My trick is I go to https://parts.jeepsareus.com/ and just simply search what part I'm looking for and at the bottom section they put there what other models would that parts fit. For example, https://parts.jeepsareus.com/oem-parts/mopar-rear-brake-pads-68052386aa?c=bD0zJm49RHluYW1pYyBTRU8gUGFnZQ%3D%3D just look at the vehicle fitment section. Thanks.
  2. I replaced it just once already. What is installed now is from mopar https://www.allmoparparts.com/sku/68235441aa-68235440aa.html. The rubber would really be worn out after years so yes we just need to keep replacing it.
  3. iI just use baking soda and hot water. Mix it into glue type consistency then I just use a toothbrush to slightly remove some dirt but I don't wash it totally with water, I just wipe it with a towel.
  4. This is the one that I got https://www.ramsareus.com/sku/82212138ab.html. It's from mopar for sure since the product seems legit when it arrived. It says it's Part Number: 82212138. Hopefully, this would change the way I drive since my foot usually slip.
  5. I think that this is what we usually really misplace. No problem really with the stainless key itself since it's just so cheap to duplicate it but key-fob is a little bit expensive if you misplace.
  6. You had that accident on July right. It's now september. Does it really get hurt a lot during the day and night? My grandfather also slipped in the bathtub and had his ligament also damaged but thank God he recovered quickly. Hang in there! Newbie here by the way
  7. They say that you just wash it if needed since it would worn out the paint but I really like my car to be spotless clean so I wash it every sunday morning.
  8. I usually also really follow the steps you mentioned but want to make my car little shiny and protected so might try PPF but still saving for it. Another tip I can contribute is (do thing if you are just so OC) I put small amount of cotton on a toothpick and us that to clean the edges of doors/windows. It would get the dirt even in the smallest holes/
  9. Maybe the cause is your valve or rods.
  10. That is such a sad experience for you. I saw an infographic that less people now are trusting chrysler and the quality of cars is not that good but still bought it since it's the brands that i grew up with. In my case, just the common problems like ac and some wiring.
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