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clunk sound when accelerating

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Mine does this. Feels and sounds like a transmission clunk in my DJ. Resuming the cruise control will cause it or sometimes reapplying the accelerator after a coast will cause it. Are we talking about the same thing here? Should I have my front axles checked? I have always assumed it was a tranny noise. Re-torqued implies that axles were still tight but a clunk in the axle says to me that something came loose. If so, I'd say it was a re-tightening or securing of something related to the axle. That's mildly frightening.

I think that checking the axles is part of the routine dealership inspection. Is it not?


mine does this if coasting in a low gear and hitting the throttle... 99% sure it is the transmission... Never does it at any other time.

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mine does this if coasting in a low gear and hitting the throttle... 99% sure it is the transmission... Never does it at any other time.

Check resuming cruise control after hitting cancel and coasting. Mine sounds like a transmission clunk. I think we are experiencing the same behavior. I'd be curious to know what was actually "re-torqued".


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Check resuming cruise control after hitting cancel and coasting. Mine sounds like a transmission clunk. I think we are experiencing the same behavior. I'd be curious to know what was actually "re-torqued".


Use that function all the time... doesn't happen then either.

It does accelerate like it is possessed sometimes though. Puts my ass in the seat like I'm racing, ha!

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  • 5 months later...

Interesting... I suppose I should take mine in.

i found that out myself...our local dealers 3 to choose from cant find thier butts with both hands,and if you cant plug the scanner in they cant fix it...but yes bring it in and check especally if the vin number starts with a 3 that is made in mexico the out of province deaker that i go to are old school and have seen a few mexican ones loose...im not sure if any are made in canada or the states anymore.

Edited by casey sohc
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