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Everything posted by redtomatoman

  1. I don't need any blessings, but I feel your pain. I actually have none of your issues. My 2011 has been a great vehicle. It is not a daily driver so it does not have the daily grind abuse, but I put 14K miles on it before 1 year. Almost perfect. I did have one SCCM issue with the cruise control that was remedied. Man, I don't know what to say about your vehicle. If mine had multiple issues, I'd be bummed and pissed as well. I believe that there are folks at Chrysler that want to help you. The first is DodgeCares. Outstanding. PM that guy. Don't give up on your Journey is my first advice. There is a lot to like in these vehicles. Find another dealer for your service is my other advice. In Florida, there's gotta be a bunch of dealers you can try to remedy your issues. The company that really does not give a rat's a$$ about their customers is Toyota, in my experience. I had parts and service nightmares. So I would not hang your hat on Honda as the holy grail. Best of luck to you. Peace.
  2. Get a pre-owned 2011 or a 2012 with the 8.4. That's my 2 cents. . . Peace.
  3. I drove everything from Nissan to Subaru to Ford and Chevy over a two week period. Nothing was the complete package like the DJ. In my experience there is also a broader loyalty. One friend will only drive Japanese cars. Another will only drive awd cars. Peace.
  4. I will be getting a new phone soon. I currently have a first Gen Droid. Works great but does not support text or music artist/title info through Bluetooth. I am interested in the text and music features. Not interested in iPhone. I am thinking about a Droid razr. Comments, experience or suggestions in light of my desire for text and music functionality? Not sure what phone to get. Peace.
  5. I really thought I'd have seen more. I have been happy with my DJ so far. I often forget that many on this forum are in Canada. Many Americans seem to be driven by status. So many of us live WAY beyond our means. Sometimes I wonder if my experience with my DJ is better than the average DJ owner; especially since mine is not a daily driver. People seem to really like my DJ when they ride in it, but that does not seem to translate to what people here choose to buy. Many of my friends seem to have a knee jerk reaction and all buy the same vehicle without even thinking or comparing. My neighbor buys his cars from Costco without a test drive or anything. I think DJ sales in the USA are good, but just not first on every American's mind. Anyway. . . I have been happy with mine (less a few quirks). Peace.
  6. Why are Canadians so sensible? I thought we here in the US are in a recession. I suppose I will just stand out more in my DJ. Peace.
  7. redtomatoman


    On vacation in NY. Not seeing too many Journeys. I like mine so much that I am surprised. Many beemers, Lexi & MB's. Is the Journey just not as good or are folks just keeping up with the Jonses? In my mind, those who spend 50+K to get less than I did in my R/T are just silly. My Journey kicks ass and I'd put it up against any of those three mentioned above any day; interior, exterior styling, performance, and gas mileage. I refuse to pay 30K for an airplane or any other logo. Peace.
  8. I have a 2011, but I suspect that the light not turning off is related to your dash dimmer. Check that first. Peace.
  9. I have a 2011 with the 3.6 as well. Mileage improved for mine at about 6k miles. Continue to baby it and I predict it will return the favor. I now get about 24-25 on the highway when I use cruise; 25-26 when I use the economy meter. Have fun. Peace.
  10. Headlights are on AUTO but I keep the fob in the house. My understanding is that the fob has to be at a distance of 5 feet or less in order to be detected by the car. I am pretty sure that the issue with my battery was updating the maps and then not driving the vehicle for the next week; that left the computer(s) awake. If it was a daily driver, I feel certain this situation would never have arisen. Drove the DJ yesterday, no problems. Peace.
  11. I have a 2011 JC. I had a similar problem. Cruise worked intermittently for a while, the stopped altogether. When I took it to the dealer, they told me that they found code P0579-00 which indicates the cruise control switch. They replaced that and same symptoms returned 2 days later. It turned out that the SCCM (steering column control module) associated with the clock spring was malfunctioning and nothing was wrong with the cruise control itself. After they installed the new SCCM, no problems. Hopefully this is helpful to you. Good Luck. Peace.
  12. FYI. Started my DJ today. No problems.
  13. I don't feel any obvious shaking at all with my 2011 3.6. Very smooth. Take it to the dealer and take them for a test drive asap. That's my advice. If they tell you its nothing, fine, but at least its documented. Good luck.
  14. http://www.allpar.co...ntastar-problem Just happened to see this. Just wondering if anyone has had this problem or knows anything about it. I'll be coming up on 20 K miles in the near future. Peace.
  15. I have been following this thread with interest. I hope all who have this oil consumption issue get new engines. That's what you deserve, IMHO. Congrats on Jenny's new engine Adam. I hope you get a new engine as well MWG. I think you've been as patient a customer as any company could ask for. Just because it runs doesn't mean its all ok. Best of Luck to you. Peace.
  16. Is this because you have a 2012 or because you have a Droid Razr that texts are able to be read? I have an android phone and texts do not seem to be supported on my 2011 R/T. Peace.
  17. Have you heard that there is an update on the way? I'm not holding my breath. If there is an update, it wouldn't surprise me if it was just in the new cars and the older Uconnect versions are not able to be updated. I'd love an update for the iPod artwork and texting. I hate not getting notified of texts over Uconnect. And I end up reaching for my phone when I do hear my phone text alert anyway. It would be great if I could push one button and have my texts read to me. Peace.
  18. Yep, looks you were right Leb and Astral. Battery. With the help of DodgeCares and my dealer, I figured out the I already had the BCM flash. So I kept at the battery and it finally took a charge. So far so good. I'll post if anything changes. My theory is this: about a week ago I updated my maps ( I did purchase the update), but since my Dakota is my daily driver, I didn't go to drive my DJ until a week later. I think doing the update left something awake without a driving/ignition shutdown so that completely depleted my battery. Time will tell if my theory is correct. Thanks to all for the input. And thank you DodgeCares for the BCM flash info. Peace.
  19. When hooked up to the cables, it detected the fob and showed the brake pedal and start button in the EVIC like normal. It just wouldn't start. When I pushed the start button, it just clicked and remained on run. The engine never budged. I think this is more than a battery problem, but I hope I'm wrong. I usually drive the vehicle at least once or twice a month on long trips. I'd be surprised if that was not enough to keep things powered up. Journeys, after all, sit on dealer lots without needing anything and start up fine. I've got no idea what the problem is. I'm calling the dealer today. I am hoping the service folks there will have something useful to contribute. Maybe having my DJ towed the 135 miles to the dealer. Dunno. Any insights are welcome. Peace.
  20. **update** Tried to jump start me DJ. Nope. Dash lights come on when hooked up to other vehicle, but the brake pedal is hard to push and it won't start. After unhooking the cables its dead again. Really weird. Washed it two weeks ago, pulled it into the garage, and there its been. My Dakota is my daily driver. I keep the fob in the house. This seems like something more than just a bad battery. Nearest dealer is 135 miles. I hope Chrysler takes care of me on this. . . Peace.
  21. Went out to start my DJ and found everything completely dead. Nothing. I'm guessing its the battery. I got no idea. Don't have a vehicle to jump it until tomorrow. Just thought I'd throw this out there. Anyone else have a problem like this? Peace.
  22. I think we need more information. Does your DJ have a hard drive? If so, not sure how to get music off of that. Probably not the answer you want, but if there is a way to get music off of the HDD, it should be in your manual. My 2011 does not have a hard drive. Where did you get the music from? Didn't you copy it from your computer to a USB to upload the music files to your DJ in the first place? I know hindsight is always 20/20, but in the future, it would be easier to keep a copy of your music on your computer for easy access. Good Luck, hopefully some of the 2010 owners will have some ideas. Peace.
  23. Agreed. I bought the upgrade and would not consider copying it illegally. It was expensive. The price is Navteq/Garmin's decision. I think its expensive, but I have no idea how much work is involved. My reference for my conclusion that the map upgrade was expensive is this: My phone uses google technology wherein the use of their maps and navigation is almost free (I have to pay for my phone and internet access which I would do anyway for a myriad of reasons) and the map is constantly upgraded. I don't have to do anything or worry about whether the map is up to date. I was told by a dodge sales rep that the maps in the 2011 Journey work this way. And I believed it. Not sure who is more ignorant, him or me. Peace.
  24. I have had my 2011 for a year now. Almost no problems (one electrical problem fixed by dealer). No brake issues that I am aware of. Love the vehicle, plenty of power, quiet, great handling. I have been getting 25-26 mpg on the highway. Vehicles are like anything else, you roll the dice. I believe that odds are in your favor with a 2011 though. Good Luck. Peace.
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