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5000 KM -- Thoughts


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Thanks for the videos. Very interesting idea having the video camera. It would have come in handy if you had been in an accident when the van with the ADT markings made that abrupt lane change. I think it would have been clearly his fault.

Maybe because you don't tailgate, it appeared that most drivers change lanes without signalling. Is that common in Toronto, or are there alot of vehicles with defective signals :fool:

Out of curiosity sake though, where did you purchase the dash mounted camera? And was it easy to mount?

By the way, good choice of music, haven't heard those two tunes in awhile.



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Would of been his fault.. and I'd have the footage to prove it...

I purchased my dash cam back at Canadacomputers when it was on sale.


Right now this is the one that is onsale. I have a higher version that records in full 1080p but is no longer offered, but 720 is far good enough resolution.

Mine is simply plug and play. suction cup to the windshield, and plug into the cig outlet. voila!

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actually, no, he wouldn't have been at fault. from the very start of your video, you see that he's signalling, and you're far enough that you should have had enough time to slow down to allow the merge.If you slam into him from behind, then you're at fault because you had enough time to anticipate/react to his signal;you're camera shows this... If he makes the lane change as you're coming up next to him, and hits the side of your vehicle, then he's at fault because he didn't check his blindspot. if he hadn't signaled, then he'd be guilty of an illegal lane change, but, fault for the accident would still fall to to the previous two scenarios. I went through this with when I sideswipped a person who decided to speed up to over a 100Km/h in a 60 to pass me before I could complete my lane change just because he didn't want someone in front of him (he had been driving slightly slower than I was prior to me deciding to make the lane change and turning on my signal). Of course that's not to say what he did was not dangerous, going from stopped traffic into faster flowing traffic, not to mention that he should have changed lanes to allow faster traffic to pass on the left of him when he had the opportunety, but then again, you were guilty of that yourself in your second Vid (starting around the 1minute mark), although not as bad as blowing the stop sign in the first video out of the parking garage, and with a cop on the corner at that ;)

Double07, as for the camera, if you have a relatively recent/decent smart phone, just grab yourself a mount for it and should be able to get pretty good video, particularly if it shoots HD. Best of all, it's usually pretty easy to upload to Youtube and the like once you're done.


Steph S.

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No, not true. Just because you signal, doesn't give you the right of way to jump into another lane with flowing traffic in it. The person IN the lane has right of way to slow down and allow the merge or simply go about his way.

Key word is right of way.

The white van had to WAIT till the coast is clear and THEN merge. Clearly he didn't. The white van has to yield to the traffic in the left lane.

Had the journey accelerated to keep the merge from happening, had the journey been speeding unreasonably to cause a missjudgement from the white can, THEN he'd be at fault.

Not this scenario.

And you can buy a dash mounted camera from eBay that records HD for around 35$ plus shipping.

I wouldn't risk leaving my phone in the car and having an opportunist snatch it, that and I wouldn't want that charging cable running down the middle of the windshield.

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@Mcgusto82, I totally understand what you're saying, but I do believe it depends on point of impact. If I collide with someone directly into their rear, I'm at fault because the lane change has been complete, and I should have been able to avoid, particularly since the video camera shows that he started making his turn well in advance (that would be the more damning part, . even if I have right away, I still need to be vigilant to stupid people and react accordingly. If he were to hit me while changing lanes, or for that matter, I were to hit him on his side as he's making the change just before I get there, the one making the change would be at fault, because the lane change isn't complete.

One thing that might change the results is what a charge of not maintaining a minimum speed on a highway would do.....

As for the phone, I wouldn't leave it in the car, but yeah, having to leave it plugged would be a pain, but then again, you might have to do that with almost any cam you wan to keep running for an extended period of time.


Steph S.

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Yes, totally. The point of impact would really nail you to the cross.

UNLESS!! You can prove that the impacted vehicle suddenly and abruptly merge into your path. Which this video would serve to prove that the van did.

Drive defensively and you'll likely avoid most idiots on the road. But you can't slow down traffic in your lane to let everyone merge into it. You're then causing the cars behind you to slow down or even hit you if they're not paying attention.

I've been looking into putting a dash cam in my car, and I would permenently run the cables thru the roof down to the dash, which I can't go with my iPod cable (too short).

This way I could mount the cam really high on the windshield where it's not obvious, in the event I forget it in the car.

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I could defend myself here and probably throw in about 250 words of law from the highway traffic act of ontario regarding section 142(1) - Lane changes / Turns and/or caselaw (that tells u that the person who makes a lane change has an onus to make sure it's done in safety and does not affect the flow of traffic). I'm not going to.. i'm assuming you have the competence to find read interpret sections of law... You'll make your own assumptions and interpretations about the law anyways. People are inherintly stubborn and no matter how much I can recite it won't help him see the light.

What I am going to say is I origionally posted these videos just for enjoyment, but now I'm rather irritated at a certain member of the forum. Long time ago, I was a member of other forums aswell; and always ran into flamers, people who think they know it all, but don't, Arm chair quarterbacks and people deliberately looking to embarrass another to make them seem to be more better, to their eyes; and seemed to have found all of this in one member! Quite the catch I guess. So, the videos are going down, mods need to lock this thread; or possibly even delete. I was going to post something constructive here but I have too many things to worry about and as I said before; people are stubborn and only want to see what they want to see.

So; to this person; yes I may have done what APPEARED a ROLLING stop at approx 2-3 kmh infront of a police car (and if you didn't see) a cop walking down the ramp there; you'd think if I blew it, they would of stopped me maybe? Yes I did stay in the left lane; cause I was intending to make a left turn to mavis, but decided to go to heurontario which was further down because of a red left turn light; when traffic was extremely light and doing slightly faster (+10km) than the speed limit. And yes I could of slammed on my brakes; dropping my speed to almost 0 to let that ADT van in; so I could get hit by the cube truck behind me (too bad I didn't have a rearward facing camera, it would of been good footage of how the journey would sustain a rear ender).

Touchdown... that's all folks (arm char quarterback referal here)...

By the way. Welcome to my ignore list.

Edited by D-BesT
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