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Cheapest option for 19" tires... I've found it.


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I found a seller on ebay that offers 50-80% treadlife matching sets of tires. He has at least 2-3 full sets of 235/55/19's at any given time for around 200-300 bucks.

I just picked up a full set for $195 + free shipping on their "first day sale" promotions.. Can't beat that, even if I only get 25,000 out of them, I'm still coming out WAY cheaper than buying a set of Kumhos.

If anyone is wanting to check them out, here's the link to their store: http://www.ebay.com/sch/tiresoutlet2012/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686

I hope you guys can save as much money as I did :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Too risky.

What do you mean?

I've bought tires from eBay b4. Good tires, my bother in law now has that car, and they are holding good after 1 year.

Yellow sea brand.

Wait.. Are the tires used? 195 for 1, or for all 4?

4 tires for 195$ is too cheap. Even in my cheap ass eyes. LoL.

Edited by Mcgusto82
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  • 2 months later...

What I don't understand is why anyone would take a chance with one of the most important components in the control of your vehicle by cheaping out on tires. In my opinion there are some things just worth spending a little more on when my ass is on the line. Just sayin.

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There's lots of people who can't afford to put on 100$ tires on a car that might be worth just 500$.

Just because you can afford it, doesn't mean everyone can..

The used tire business is huge, and it isn't going away anytime soon.

Additionally, those used tires are either going to another car, or a land fill.

What do you prefer?

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People can do whatever they want. If they choose to put used tires on their vehicles, that is a risk they are taking. For me personally, it is not something I will ever do. I value my safety and that of my family/passengers too much.

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I was going to say I'd never use used tires but upon thinking about it I just don't know if I'd want to get used tires on-line. I'd prefer to see them first hand.

There is a market for used tires, I just sold my old winter tires to someone. They pick them up this evening.

I don't think it would bother me too much, especially for winter tires.

For long term tires, I'd probably go new but if I had a need for tires short term tires (ie, selling vehicle soon, passing a safety inspection on a budget) I don't think I'd want to lay out 'new tire money' if there was a cheaper option.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i've bought used tires before plenty of times. and ya know what, sometimes in a pinch when you've got 19" wheels and a tire is punctured and not repairable you really have no other choice but to scrounge around for whatever you can find (and "nobody" stocks new 19" tires, especially not the size we're "supposed" to have on these journeys)

i stepped up my tire size to 255/50 19, with this used set - i'm glad i did because for $100 for a set of 4 i can decide if i like how they feel, if the clearance is enough, and if i'm going to get this size again. $100 is a much nicer price for an experiment than $1,000.

ps: i've now put 20,000 miles on these experimental used tires, which is more than i got out of the first set of kumho's that the thing came stock with.

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