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Loss of RPM, wont start back up for some minutes.

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Just started encountering this problem today. The Car Odometer started going to 0 and back again. The car would not start for about ten minutes and happen again rather quickly. After the car was shut down for an hour it ran for about 10 minutes before it started happening again. I am attaching a video of the issue, any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you. http://photos.app.goo.gl/cbNztztCGki5x4ot9 

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That CEL being on while running in your video MEANS SOMETHING, get the car scanned for trouble codes and post them for some meaningful help from members here. Also post engine size {2.4 or 3.6} and any maint. work recently done.

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Another vague post....no info but want a fix 3.6 2.4 who knows??

You also have a "gas cap" symbol lit up along with check engine so you obviously have an issue and a scan of the codes would certainly help diagnosing your issues

Keyboard mechanics can't help much :shrug:

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