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Hi guys. Gir a 2016 journey r/t here. I’m due for new tires and wanted to try something a hit bigger. My stock is a 225 55 r19 and wanted to try a 245 55 r19 tire. Would i mess up too much with the speedo? 

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70 mph (112.65 km/h) 72.11 mph (116.05 km/h) ...................you will be off

2.11 faster than what your speedo shows  i run 235 55 19 great selection of tires and better prices than the oem size and speedo will only be off 1 mph have been using this size on my 2014 with no problem,,,you can google tire size comparisons and it will give you all the info you need

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  • 3 months later...

BigWheels.Net has a tires page where you can plug in any size and it will give you width and height in mm. You can also plug in make/model/year and get a list of recommended sizes for what ever wheel you're running. I use this site a lot for reference. Wheel-Size.com is another excellent site that will give you Plus One and Plus Two sizes. Any height difference will always affect speedo readout to a small degree but typically not enough to be concerned over.;)

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  • 5 months later...

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