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Cody Chornobey Powley

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Posts posted by Cody Chornobey Powley

  1. Can't be poor install. They welded everything. Money isn't an issue. I'm thinking of ditching my OEM resonator and buyung the magnaflow. It's 28 inches. So its basically the length of the straight pipe where the resonator is now. I believe ours is eieither18 inches or somewhere around there. And if that does not work than I'll use one magnaflow infront of the dear wheels and run tail.pipe from there with resonated tips? I miss the raspyness it had tho before I put the reso back in. It's only 50 for new mag reso and 40 to install it. If worse comes to worse I'll got back to stock and sell the mufflers

  2. Sorry man just trying to see peoples opinions that's all. My tips come right off the muffler so maybe that's the reason why? Not much of pipe after the muffler? I was even thinking just using one muffler right after the resonator and run pipes from there? Or take off the mufflers and add a magnaflow resintor behind the stock one?

  3. Well I put my resonator back on. Started to get some annoying drone. Turns out evsn with the resonator back in I still have drone. So either I'm getting rid of the exhaust or switching something. Have a few options. 1---only use one muffler after the resonator ditch the 4.5 inch tips to three inch resonated tips 2---switch to flow master. 3----straight pipe with resonator in place. My magnaflow sounded great with no resonator but that drone got to me. Any suggestions??

  4. Had my resonator put back in yesterday. My two magnaflows were giving me a bad drone..but putting the resonator back on cut the noice down quits abit. I like it but I don't at the same time. Wondering if maybe I install my muffler just after the resonator and run pipe from there to the fear if that would give me a more deeper sound. Hmmmm. Any ideas?//also not 100% if I want to switch mufflers as I've only had them for maybs 2/3 months

  5. Thats why I went with the mini h1. Super easy. And yes the 7.0 that co ss out in the new year is 5x better than the 5.0. Bigger bowl and much better output. Even better than the 6.0 what I have now. And yeah I have the blacktop version which came with the black housing already. Only painted the reflector red. Md2s requires drilling and cutting in our lights. It can be done but you better it right the first time

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