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We have a 2013 Dodge journey and wanted to program a new fob without going to a dealer or locksmith. I've tried everything I could find on the web to do it myself without any success. Then I heard about AlfaODB, which is an app similar to Forscan for Ford vehicles. AlfaOBD costs $49, not cheap but worth it, whereas Forscan is free but no good on a Dodge. AlfaODB will program a keyless fob in about 1 minute. It will also look-up your vehicle pin-code which is required for programming the fob. There is a demo version which wont program your fob but will let you check if your OBDII is recognised by the app.


If you need a new key, you can pick them up on Amazon $18 for 2 https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07K7W6RR7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Take them, and your original key, to your local CT and they will cut them for you. Mine did it for free as they couldn't guarantee they would work. They did with a little filing to finish them off.


Quite a lot of info relating to AlfaOBD in the Ram forums https://www.ramforum.com

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