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Everything posted by davidlb512

  1. It's about a 1 to 1.5 hour drive. Not bad at all. Actually, everybody that works in my section here in Birmingham, lives around Montgomery. It'll be a big change for you, but I think you'll enjoy Montgomery. It's in the center of the state too, so you can get pretty much anywhere, within a few hours.
  2. Oh ok, so they have it set up to where it's easily customizable pretty much then? That's good to know. So the next question is, I've looked at the pictures of it, and I may be blind, but where is the SD card slot?
  3. Hmm, sounds pretty good. Do the built in USB, and auxiliary jacks work with this radio also? And when you say they are "dated", are they similar to the factory radio looks? Because to me, they are pretty dated looking themselves. And how do you go about updating software? Does the radio have wireless, or can you flash via the SD card?
  4. Air Force I assume? I'm Army in Birmingham, AL.
  5. Just jumping on the DJ bandwagon here. How happy with this radio are you guys, now that you've had it for a while, and had a chance to really test it, and use it for extended periods of time?
  6. Hello all! Just purchased a 2012 Journey SXT Friday night! It's silver, cloth interior, V6, AWD, non-third row seat. I bought it used, with 29,000 miles on it. Already made a trip in it also! Haha. Had to take a trip to Montgomery for work, which is about an hour long trip. Not too bad, but a really nice test for the new car. So far I absolutely love it! I don't have any pictures yet, but will have some to post soon. Haven't had a chance to read the forum rules, or anything at all, yet. But I hope to be an active part of the community. I've been a Chrysler owner for a while now, and my other car is a 2002 Chrysler 300M.
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