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Less chatter on this forum


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Seems to be less chatter on this forum since people got their Journey and are spending more time behind the wheel enjoying the ride. Can't say as I can blame them. I've got 650 miles on my RT and getting 18mpg so far. Still getting use to all the options.

Wild Bill

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I'm finding it a bit too quiet too. But you are right. Since I got my Journey I have been a little less vocal and doing more reading. I have around 2400 miles (4000 km) and my MPG has got up to 20.9, US gallons, average of city and highway. My message came on today to get my first oil change. I bet your R/T is pretty impressive and your gas mileage will increase over time.

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I'm finding it a bit too quiet too. But you are right. Since I got my Journey I have been a little less vocal and doing more reading. I have around 2400 miles (4000 km) and my MPG has got up to 20.9, US gallons, average of city and highway. My message came on today to get my first oil change. I bet your R/T is pretty impressive and your gas mileage will increase over time.

I'm on my first trip and the ride is impressive. I found the cruise control smooth as can be. Manually I couldn't hold it as steady as the cruise could. Nice to see the mpg gradually climbing.

Wild Bill

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