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Everything posted by irfred85

  1. There aren't any indicators lit up. Actually, if it wasn't hanging off the bracket, no one would know there was even an issue. I've jimmied it back on, but it doesn't feel very secure. At least it won't stick into the back of the passenger's neck, anymore. I am wondering if there is any reason that if I were to glue it in place, the auton-actuation you speak of would freak out in the event of an impact. Is there a reason I should NOT glue it in place? Would I have to get the airbag sensors (or whatever those wires are that are attached) deactivated?
  2. The cushion has partially broken off the frame of the front passenger headrest. It is hanging off the frame by a nylon strap and a piece of leather; the plastic clips that secure it have broken (pictures attached, hopefully with enough detail to see the situation). As the $400 replacement is not all that attractive, I'm looking for alternatives. One option: If I simply glue the plastic to the metal rods, will I lose or jeopardize the safety function of the headrest with its association with the airbags? Or,... nope, that's all I got for ideas, so any other possible fixes would be considered.
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