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Everything posted by hollywooddippa

  1. Oh, I'm definently going to take it in. I was just surprised that the service department hadn't heard of this issue before. I just posted here to see if it's happened to someone else so that I could tell them I've heard of other cases.
  2. Here's what happens: I push the start button, the fuel says 1/2 a tank and the DTE says 255 miles. I let it idle and watch the needle go up 1/16th of a tank and the DTE goes up to 308. I drive for about 4-6 miles and the needle drops just below 1/2 a tank and the DTE says 243 miles. This fluctuation happens every time and is worse when there's more fuel in the tank and is closer together when there's less fuel in tank. Has anyone else had this issue? I called the dealership since I'm still under warranty, but they said they don't have anything in their records that this has happened to anyone else. Other than this, the car has been great ever since we bought it brand new. 2014 Journey SE 2.4L with 22,000 miles. Thanks, "Air Force" John
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