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Everything posted by isamir2k

  1. Thank you, I allready start to do that and the noise is not as loud as it was before.
  2. How you make de difference between a good one and a china copy, without passing trough Dodge? Thank you
  3. Hello My 2014 SE CVP DJ ( 2.4 l) is having a diesel sound like when very cold outside. This sound is present only when the car is in driving mode and not on neutral for example. I change from driving to neutral and accelerate but the sound is very different. Somebody encountered something like this or that is normal for this engine? Sorry fo my english, I'm not an english speaker...
  4. First I would like to say hello to all of you and congratulation for this nice forum. I just got my Journey 2014 CVP and I love it. I trade my old Caravan 2002 for it and I'm very happy with the car. I will post some pictures tomorrow.
  5. I had a 2002 Caravan with the same issue. One good mechanic told me to move the stering up or down , diffrent from the last position and it works. I did that each time when I stop the car and evrything was ok after that. You can try, hope will work for you too. Enjoy your Journey
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