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Posts posted by lanc747

  1. Journeyman425,

    You're absolutely right, the pressure washers aren't considered normal as rain simply doesn't fall with that force. Most dealers do have bays setup with draining systems to allow for this test.

    I'm down in Windsor, ON and this morning was quite frosty, no water testing outside today!

    Although I can see where you guys are coming from, as a consumer I would hope the manufacturer would address this if it were an issue. Although "pressure washers aren't considered the norm ", they should be in Canada with the number of car washes around and season passes offered.

    I wash my cars at least every other day throughout the winter and have never had a sunroof/t-roof that leaked in a car wash. I've owned Camaros and Corvettes with T-roofs... VW, Nissan, Mazda, Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, 300M, Magnum all with sunroofs and never had a leak. Maybe I'm just lucky :-))

    I could see in the first year of manufacture some teething issues that may cause leaks under pressure but in this day and age the manufacturer should be able to solve the problem in following model years. If not, something seemingly as trivial as this can drive customers away.

    That being said my Journey leaked with just standing water on it, but seems to be fixed. Although a nuisance it seems to have been handled very well, in my case, by the Dealer.

    Simply Googling "Dodge Journey sunroof leaks" leads me to believe there may be an issue, but we can't always believe everything we read on the net :-))

    Just my 2 cents...

  2. Took the Journey into Team Chrysler today (Mississauga, Ont). They did a water check, found the leak and replaced the seal. They also checked that the drain lines were clear.

    So far so good...don't see any leaks at all now.

    We're new to that dealership, but so far very impressed by there sevice and staff.....

  3. Newbie to forum.

    Long time Chrysler owner...Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, 300M, Magnum R/T etc

    Just purchased 2013 Journey R/T AWD

    2014 300C AWD

    Waiting for the 300C to be built, have had Journey for about 1 month, overall happy, but am having the leaking sunroof issue talked about elsewhere on forum...hopefully dealer can address, taking it in this week....I'll keep you posted.

  4. I have also just purchased a 2013 Journey R/T AWD and have noticed the sunroof leaks. Have made an appointment with my dealer, who when I called , said its in the manual that they will leak in car washs..I'll have to look later.

    Any pointers on what to tell the dealer on how to fix this? Had numerous Chryslers with sunroofs and they've never leaked. Also just bought a 2014 300C with panoramic sunroof...hope it doesn't leak!

    I'm located in Georgetown, Ontario.

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