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About CottonCandy

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    U.S. Southern Atlantic
  1. I just bought the 2013 Dodge Journey 3 days ago and also put my new car paperwork in that handy little storage space under the seat. I really wish someone (anyone) had enlightened me to make sure I was holding onto the "pull handle" whenever I closed that seat back up. Since I had only had the car for a day when it happened, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's had that happen to them. My solution: I pushed the seat all the way up to the dash as far as it would go and went into the back seat behind it. I could easily see the little pull handle dangling there. I was able to push up (at the top of the handle) and could feel that it was unlatching the seat/lid to the storage bin. The tricky part was trying to lift up on the seat at the same time. :waiting: I was able to manage it by myself with quite a bit of difficulty, :whew:but I think it would have been pretty easy to open if I'd had another person lifting on the seat at the same time that I was pushing that "button" from underneath. Note to self: don't let that pull tab get underneath the seat again! Hopefully someone else will benefit from my solution if this happens to them in the future.
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