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  1. pcorey3

    Plug button

    Thanks...figured it turned some sort of outlet on just wasn't sure where.
  2. pcorey3

    Plug button

    What does the button on the center console that looks like a household plug operate?
  3. We just picked up our Journey and I immedietly noticed a whirling, whistling, howling (call it what you will) from in front of the windshield. Its not the normal windnoise you would typically hear. It doesn't happen at low speeds but kicks in at around 50 mph and gets lounder as you accelerate. I was looking at the vehicle this morning, trying to figure out what could be causing it. I noticed there is a plastic vent guard installed right in front of the windshield wipers that goes along the entire lip of the hood. The way its slotted, I can see how 50mph plus winds going through the slots would emit a whistle or a howl, but I could be wrong. I would love to identify this annoying problem and get peace of mind. I saw on another post there might be a fix for it but it just stated it was for a general howling noise. Is it for what I described...PLEASE HELP!!!
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