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About topher352

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  1. Hmm.. Thanks for the info guys. I guess I just figured the backs were most likely identical, just covered by different aesthetic pieces vs mounting brackets. Are the seat belts on that row just lap belts? Do they have a separate mounting point, or do they just mount to the seat rails? Is the floor really different back there? Or is it just because the storage components cover the floor? I really wish I had a model with the 3rd row to compare to. lol. I'll have to search around for pics. It's clearly not quite as easy as bolting a seat in though. Maybe I should just trade it in for a newer model.
  2. Hi, I was searching through the forum on the feasibility of buying/installing the 3rd row of seats in my Journey, and came across one post where you commented about not really needing your 3rd row. I'm just curious if you still have your journey, and if you still have your 3rd row seats, and if you would be interested in selling them?

  3. When we bought our 2009 Journey, we couldn't seem to find one that had all of the options we wanted.. we ended up going with one that did not have the 3rd row of seats. I've just been wondering if it's possible to purchase the 3rd row seats (I've seen at least 1 post on here about someone that might be interested in getting rid of theirs).. and installing them into a Journey that didn't come with them installed. I haven't had any opportunity to really look at a Journey with the seats to see where they hook up, but it doesn't seem like it would be all that bad?
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