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Everything posted by Whit

  1. Thanks! I found the AC, but could find the rear drain tube. Anyone know where it is?
  2. Where is the rear evaporator and blower motor located? I'm trying to find where the drain tube for the rear evaporator is located.
  3. While running wire for strobe lights, I accidently broke the flipper arm off the stop light switch on my brake pedal. Not a problem. I went to the local AutoZone and got the only stop light switch in 50 miles. I put it in this afternoon. However, its not reliable. The brake lights will still stay on. If I manually rotate the flpper arm toward the driver's seat, the brake lights will go off and stay off. But if I press the brake pedal, the brake lights will come on and stay on. I've tried several things to make this work, and so far, no luck. The lights will go off after a couple of minutes, though. I'm at my wits end. I've never had an issue swapping out brake switches on other cars. What should I do next?
  4. Thanks! I appreciate the information!
  5. All, I just got my 2018 Journey SXT a couple of weeks ago. I'm also a volunteer first responder, so I'm looking for locations of good ground points in the dash, C pillar and D pillar areas for wiring LED strobes, a two way radio and a dash cam. Does anyone know of good locations? Thanks, Whit
  6. Hi All, I'm a new Journey owner, buying a 2018 SXT with 55K miles three weeks ago. So far, I'm very happy with my Journey. So is my son, since he finds every reason to drive it! Take care, Whit
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