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Posts posted by awp

  1. It doesn’t matter what setting I have it on. Defrost only or mixing it. Fogging happens no matter what. I’ve had to resort to driving with windows down a crack to get some outside air in which helps with the fogging....but makes for a cold ride

  2. No water anywhere or under the storage bins. Thinking it’s something out of my spectrum to fix at this point. Don’t thing A/C was working up to snuff near end of summer. Would low a/c refrigerant level cause fogging?

  3. Thanks for the info. I’ll have a look. Have good heat control on both sides and blows good through all vents just can’t keep from heavy fog from forming. Hoping it’s just door stuck and not allowing any outside air in to mix

  4. Having same issue. No moisture and all windows fogging up. Before I get too expensive with mechanics where is this re-circulate door specifically located. Pulled out cabin air filter and don’t see anything obvious. 

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