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  1. LOL
    vwxyuqooo reacted to NavalLacrosse in Making a 20 hr drive soon, fun fun   
    Also; just for fun
    After changing the tire, I placed the still inflated damaged tire inside the trunk. 
    After 4 hours, the tire exploded without warning making our ears ring. 
    probably caused by the increased air pressure from the cabin heat.
    Me and wife in conversation, she is half way through a sentence. It is 7am.
    Tire in the back seat: [Loudest single noise I've ever heard.]  --KABOOM!---
    Our ears:   ******rrriiiinnnnggggggg ..................
    Me: "Ore you OK?" 
    Wife: [silent, but Totally OK, but looks in shock]
    Me: "Must have been the tire in the back...  Well, with the adrenaline I don't need Redbull anymore"
    Wife: [checking her heart rate, still in shock]
    Me: "Well looks like I don't need to use the bathroom anymore either"
    Wife: [Snaps out of shock:] "WILL YOU SHUT UP!"
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