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Posts posted by Khansen

  1. C'mon ladies and gentlemen... Can't throw out statements calling people out and not expect a reply back right? Simply told you why I haven't responded so you don't think I'm in that group who doesn't reply... Copy? Now are we on the same page and all assumptions are out the window. Now for the sensitivity part- let's be adults and keep the car forum to exactly that. When said person gets corrected doesn't make me sensitive. That's a misconception with society today. Continuing the dialogue and keeping it at that. Now that I've wasted a couple minutes continuing to clarify my response, good luck on any car issues in the future because those are complicated enough

  2. 2late4u- let's not jump to conclusions and get ahead of ourselves. If I've had the time of day to fix the problem as some have suggested how to do, I most definitely would've posted if I was successful or not. Let's not assume anything because that's a two way street. So keyboard warrior, here's my update you politely asked for.


    As to those who have taken time to let me know how you solved your similar issue, I thank you. I will be sure to try your methods when I find the time.

  3. Thank you for the reply/info... The piece they have replaced multiple times already was the control panel on the driver side door that operates the mirrors, Windows, and locks. Pardon me, but I want to make sure the lock actuator is that piece or is it something else?

    When I was at Dodge recently for the recall, I showed the service employee what is happening and he said "oh yeah, it's the lock actuator, but of course we will have to look at it in depth for $150.

    If that control panel is the lock actuator I will definitely take a look at the wiring next. If it is not, would the lock actuator be the first item to look at in this case? I apologize for the ametuer (at best) questions. Thank you for the help.

  4. I have a 2009 Dodge journey SXT. Using the fob to unlock the car, all doors unlocked except driver side door. The lock appears to receive some signal but it does not fully Operate and unlock. I have to manually use the key to unlock the driver door. To lock the car, all doors operate with key fob or manually pressing the lock button on the driver side panel, but the driver door does not respond. I always have to push down the lock to lock the driver door. All windows work properly.

    I have not been able to find online anyone else that can explain this particular issue and which part I need to fix. Dodge has replaced the whole module on the driver door approximately 3x in 5 years. Any information or video will be greatly appreciated!

  5. I have a 2009 Dodge Journey SXT. I received the flier a couple months ago and recently 5/16 called my local dealer reference the recall. He verified my vin and said to bring the vehicle to the dealer for repair. Took about 3 hrs to switch and received two new fobs. The fob fits snug into the ignition slot now compared to the original. Just call a dealer and ask about the recall. I was lucky and they didn't make me wait for the part.

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