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Posts posted by Tripndrag

  1. Can anyone tell me if the noise sounds like this?  (Listen to attached video)


    Just picked up a Journey GT 2017 for my parents today and drove it home a few hundred miles.  From 2500-3000RPM around 52MPG when going up hill it made this sound(Listen to attached video).  Sounds like a strut coming off bouncing at first but then also kind of sounds like the traction control kicking in or the antilock brakes, the sound in the video is slightly different than real life.  Ignore the ticking noise in the first part of the video, it is a bobble head.  My folks aren't to happy.  I couldn't make it do the noise other than the conditions above and everyone talking in this post sounds close to my issue but I can't find any videos.  There was around 100 miles on the vehicle when it started doing it.  Thanks for your input.


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